Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Examples of “Good” Strategic Management - 1293 Words

EXAMPLES OF â€Å"GOOD† STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Disney In 1984, Disney’s stock price had been flat for a decade. Earnings per share were only $0.06. Disney had profits that year of $242 million. By this point in time Disney had become primarily a theme park company. Seventy seven percent of its profits came from theme park operations that year. Twenty two percent of profits came from consumer products (licensing Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, etc.). Only one percent of profits came from filmed entertainment in 1984. Indeed, Disney had become a different company from what Walt Disney and his brother Roy O. Disney left behind. In 1971 when Roy O. Disney died (he became CEO when Walt died in 1966), 50% of the company’s profits came from filmed†¦show more content†¦He knew the liquid soap would be easy to manufacture and that he could buy the pumps from one or both of the two existing pump manufacturers. Procter amp; Gamble, and probably others, would have quickly imitated his product and most likely driven him out of busi ness. These other manufacturers were many times larger than Minnetonka. However, Taylor engaged in a form of internal analysis by recognizing that even though these larger companies had a resource advantage when it came to manufacturing and marketing the liquid soap, they had no advantage when it came to the pump bottles. He recognized that if he bought all the pump bottle production of the two manufacturers he would have an advantage over firms much larger than Minnetonka. Taylor bought all the pumps the two manufacturers could produce in a year. He paid more for these orders of pumps than Minnetonka was worth at the time. The strategy worked. He had a 12-18 month lead over his much larger competitors in which he was able to establish the Softsoap brand and capture market share. 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